The Goods Shed
The Biggest Indoor Fleamarket in the Southern Cape. Located in Mossel Bay/Mosselbaai
The Goods Shed built in 1902, is a historical building at the harbour area and a landmark in Mossel Bay which developed into an exceptional and popular shopping centre for locals as well as visitors from overseas. Preference is given to exhibitors with unique products while a restaurant as well as excellent facilities are also available to visitors.
About Us
Mossel Bay is one of the oldest cities in South Africa and is a sought after vacation destination in the famous South African Garden Route. The Goods Shed, built in 1902, is located at the harbour area and is a historical landmark in Mossel Bay. The now well-known Goods Shed Fleamarket was officially opened on the 15th of December 2011 by the then Executive Mayor of Mosselbay, Alderlady Marie Ferreira. It later developed into a popular Indoor Fleamarket for local and overseas visitors.
The management collaboration between the Mossel Bay Municipality as Principal and the IEA / OEV has resulted in a successful and effectively run fleamarket. By investing in affordable business rental space for small business entrepreneurs, the empowerment of job creation benefits both the exhibitors and enhances the small business sector in Mossel Bay.
The combination of specialised exhibitors selling unique products, and a restaurant catering sumptuous meals, The Goods Shed will elevate your shopping experience to new heights! In addition, the wheelchair friendly access, accommodating baby facilities and fun kiddies play area, makes it the number one family attraction in Mossel Bay!
We look forward to welcoming you to The Goods Shed, Mossel Bay.
Die nou bekende Goodsshedvlooimark is amptelik deur n vorige Mosselbaai Uitvoerende Burgemeester en wel Raadsdame Marie Ferreira op 15 Desember 2011 ge-open.Die Goodsshed wat in 1902 opgerig is,is n ou historiese steengebou in die hawegebied-n baken in Mosselbaai wat oor die jare in n uitstaande inkopiesentrum vir plaaslike inwoners sowel as vir buitelandse besoekers ontwikkel het.Uitstallers met unieke produkte geniet voorkeur terwyl daar ook n restaurant en puik fasiliteite op hande is.Uitstalruimtes beskikbaar word volgens streng criteria toegeken om sodoende n hoe standaard te handhaaf.Die Goodsshed is verder ook rolstoel en babaversorgingvriendelik.
Die OEV Bestuur die Goodsshedvlooimark onder kontrak met Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit wie die PrinsIpaal is.Ruimte beskikbaar word aan uitstallers op maandelikse basis onder kontrak verhuur om onder andere ook deur bemagtiging werkskepping vir diegene wie nie n eie duur besigheidsperseel kan bekostig nie,daar te stel en dan kleinsakebesigheid ook sodoende te bevorder.Die voordeel vir Mosselbaai se sentrale sakegebied le ook daarin dat meer besoekers na die mooi dorp getrek word.
Ons is trots op ons dorp en gelukkig om n Munisipaliteit te he wie omgee en absoluut betrokke is.Doen gerus aansoek vir uitstalruimte en wees deel van Mosselbaai.
Sien jou daar en deel in die ondervinding-stimuleer jou sintuie.
Almal is welkom-Jy sal nie teleurgesteld wees nie.